Two Ingredient Gnocchi & Browned Butter Sauce

Step 2: Mix the dough

  • Gnocchi components

    • all-purpose flour
      ~ 100 g
    • salt
      to taste
    • riced potatoes
  • Optional flavorings

    • black pepper
      a sprinkle
    • nutmeg
      a sprinkle
    • thyme
      , minced
      a spoonful
    • parmesan
      , grated
      a handful

For the base version, sprinkle salt over the potatoes and mix it in. Taste them and add more salt if needed. If using optional flavors like black pepper, parmesan, nutmeg, or thyme, add those now.

Add 75 grams of flour into a mesh strainer and gently dust over the potatoes.

Using a bench scraper, gently chop and mix the dough.

  • The key to fluffy gnocchi is to work the dough as little as possible until it just comes together. Use as little flour as possible until the potato mixture just comes together.

You can add the remaining flour as needed, but stop when the dough is cohesive but still tender and light.

Pick up the dough with your hands and gently form it into a large log.
