Two Ingredient Gnocchi & Browned Butter Sauce

Step 3: Cut the dough & form the gnocci

    • dough

Dust more flour over the log of dough and slice off a large disk, about 1/4 of the dough.

Dust the work surface with flour again and gently roll the disk into a thin rope about 1/2" thick.

  • Repeat this process with the remaining dough.

Using your bench scraper, cut the ropes into roughly 3/4 to 1-inch pieces. Form those pieces into your preferred shape:

  1. Leave as is
  2. Classic ridges shape: press the gnocchi into the back of a fork and roll it away
  3. Little balls: gently roll the gnocchi in your hands.

At this point you can freeze the gnocchi for later use or proceed with cooking them.
