Steak & Rosemary Garlic Frites Sandwich

Step 3: Fry the potatoes

  • Rosemary garlic frites

    • fresh rosemary
      2 sprigs
    • garlic
      1 clove
    • salt
    • boiled potatoes
    • hot oil

Drop the potatoes into the oil and for about 6 to 8 minutes until the fries are browned and crisp. Stir them while frying to avoid sticking ensure the oil moves around to avoid cold spots. Add more oil if needed.

About a minute before they are done, turn the heat to low and add in the sprigs of fresh rosemary and garlic. The flavor will infuse into the oil.

Remove the fries and let drain on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Toss with salt before enjoying.

  • Save the oil after frying! It will taste like rosemary and can be used multiple times