Spicy Chicken Hoagie

Step 1: Prep the spice mix & chicken

  • Spiced chicken

    • chicken breasts
      2~350 g / 0.75 lb
    • dried oregano
      2 parts
    • garlic powder
      1 part
    • cayenne pepper
      1/2 part
    • cooking oil
      a drizzle
    • salt
      a sprinkle

Add the oregano, garlic powder, and cayenne to a mortar & pestle (or spice grinder). Grind until the oregano has pulverized and the mixture is a uniform powder.

  • You’ll need enough spice mix to cover all of the chicken generously.

Use a knife to butterfly or thin out each chicken breast to a uniform thickness. Sprinkle each side of the chicken with some salt. Then, evenly sprinkle the spice mixture all over the chicken until it is completely covered with a layer of seasoning.

  • Full coverage is necessary to “blacken” the chicken during searing in the next step.