Shokupan (Japanese Milk Bread Loaf)

Step 1: Make the tangzhong & activate the yeast

  • Tangzhong

    • bread flour
      35 g
    • water
      175 g

Add the water to a skillet and whisk in the 35 g of flour. Set the pan over medium-low heat and stir the mixture until the roux thickens to a gloppy, pudding-like consistency. Turn off the heat.

  • Set aside and let cool until 120°F/48°C or less (so as to not kill the yeast when it’s added to the dough).

Heat the milk for 45 seconds in the microwave (roughly around 105 degrees F). Stir in the yeast and set aside. Let stand for 5-10 minutes until light foam surfaces and little bubbles are visible.

  • Note: Proofing is done to test the viability of the yeast. If there is no foam surface or little bubbles the yeast is likely dead and should be discarded.