Make Ahead McDonald's Style Hash Browns

Step 1: Grate & wring out the potatoes

  • Hash browns

    • russet potatoes

Peel the potatoes and rinse under the sink to get rid of any schmutz from peeling.

Using a box grater, grate the potatoes into a large bowl.

  • Optionally rinse the potatoes under cold water to get rid of excess surface starch, then drain. In my recipe testing, I didn't notice a difference in taste or texture in the final product whether or not you rinsed the potatoes. Rinsing them does make a slight aesthetic difference and results in a lighter potato color.

Dump the grated potatoes onto a clean towel. Grab the 4 corners of the towel and twist it to wring out the excess water in the potatoes. Twist as tightly as possible.

  • The more water you squeeze out, the better since you'll need to the potatoes anyway for a crispy final texture.

Spread the potatoes out over the towel to continue drying for a few minutes.
