Healthier In-N-Out Double Double & Animal Style Fries

Step 1: Prep the fries ahead of time

  • Oven fries

    • russet potatoes
    • vinegar
      a spoonful

Fill a pot with water and set it to a along with a few heavy sprinkles of salt. While that boils, peel the potatoes, then slice into planks, and then into thin fry shapes. Thinner is better here.

When the water is boiling, add the vinegar and the fries and boil for 8-10 mins.

Drain the potatoes and add them to a wire rack over a baking sheet. This is optional, but I toss these in the freezer for 4 hours or whenever I need them.

  • Freezing these ahead of time will lead to crispier end product, since the starch will fully set on the exterior of each fry before roasting.