Hot & Sweet Chicken Banh Mi

Step 1: Marinate the chicken

  • “Char sui-ish” mayo chicken

    • chicken thighs
      41 lb / 450 g
    • salt
      5 g1%
    • mayonnaise
      40 g
    • hoisin
      20 g
    • honey
      15 g
    • sriracha
      10 g
    • soy sauce
      10 g
    • garlic
      1 clove
    • chinese five spice
      a sprinkle
    • black pepper
      a sprinkle

In a large bowl, mix together all chicken marinade ingredients. Add the chicken to the bowl, and sprinkle evenly with salt.

Use your hands to massage the marinade into the chicken until everything is well coated. Let the chicken for around 30 minutes while you complete the next steps.

  • Note: The mayo in the marinade helps the spices stick to the chicken and creates a better crust during the searing process.