Tepache is a traditional Mexican fermented beverage made from pineapple rinds that has been steadily gaining popularity in home kitchens and restaurant menus over the last year or two. Why?

1) Fermented drinks like kombucha, kefir, prebiotic sodas, and now, tepache are becoming increasingly popular for their touted gut health benefits.

  • Unlike kombucha, which has a vinegary taste, tepache is sweet and fruity, making it a friendly menu item and a refreshing choice for hosting.

2) Making it at home is easier than other fermented beverages.

  • You just add sugar, spices, and water to pineapple scraps and let the natural fruit bacteria take over. After a few days of fermenting at room temp, you can bottle it up and keep it in the fridge, where it will carbonate further.
  • Unlike making yogurt or kombucha, you don’t need to source yeast strains or keep a scoby alive.

3) It’s zero-waste

  • Tepache is unique in that it uses the pineapple rind, which is normally thrown away. You can enjoy the flesh of the fruit and then make use of the scraps.

Big picture: Tepache is still a niche drink found mostly in Mexico or over-achieving kitchens, but we wager its popularity will increase along with other fermented beverages. We’re just waiting for the next trendy brand to package it in a colorful can…