How to pickle anything (pickling blueprint)
Note: this method is for quick pickling, which is different from canning and preserving vegetables long term. Quick pickles should be consumed within a few weeks in the fridge.
Pickling Liquid Framework
- 1 part water
- 1 part vinegar
- 2% total salt (by weight of the pickling brine)
- Optional flavor adjusters: sugar, whole spices (bay leaves, peppercorns, mustard seeds, star anise, etc), garlic cloves, & herbs (dill, tarragon, fennel, etc).
- You can use almost any vegetable, but firm ones usually work best for texture (like carrots, cauliflower, green beans, and peppers). Cut them however you want and add them to a jar.
- The pickling liquid base is just a starting point. You might want your pickles more or less acidic/salty. Adjust the ratios to your preference. Sugar is commonly added to sweeten and balance the pickles. Experiment with different kinds of vinegar and flavor adjusters.
- The fastest method is to bring all pickling liquid components to a boil, and then pour over the jarred vegetables, making sure to completely cover them. In a few hours, you’ll have quick pickles.
- If you’re not in a rush, however, you don’t need to boil the pickling liquid, it’ll just take a few days to reach the same texture and flavor infusions.