Mayo marinade

As covered in many videos and newsletters, the mayo marinade is a great technique to make better seared protein. You can try it in these recipes below.

What you’ll need

  • A protein of choice
  • Mayonnaise (any kind)
  • Salt + any other seasoning you want

Why you should do this?

If you struggle to get good color or browning on your proteins, this will make searing foolproof.

  • Why it works: The mayo is an emulsion, which helps the spices stick to the chicken and unlocks their fat-soluble flavor. It renders away during cooking, meaning you won’t need to use any extra oil, and the end product won’t have any residual mayo flavor.

This works with any flavorings or protein, even hearty vegetables and tofu!

How to do it

  1. Cut or prep your protein, if needed, then add to a bowl and season with salt.
  2. Start with a spoonful of mayo, eyeballing enough to coat the meat. Add a generous sprinkle of spices, if using.
  3. Massage the protein until the mayo & spice marinade evenly coat each piece.
  4. Sear over high heat until you get browning on all sides and the protein is cooked through

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